Core Capabilities


  • NHPA Section 106 Consultation

  • ARPA Permitting

  • NAGPRA Consultation

  • Assessments of Effect

  • Archival Research Reports

  • Research Designs

  • Reconnaissance Archaeological Investigations

  • Intensive Archaeological Investigations
  • National Register Test Investigations
  • Data Recovery/Mitigation Investigations
  • Artifact Analysis
  • Lithic and Ceramic Analysis
  • Total Data Station Mapping
  • Curation Preparation

  • XRF Elemental Analysis

  • Ceramic Petrographic Analysis
  • Traditional Cultural Properties
  • Historic Cultural Landscapes
  • Memorandum of Agreements
  • Programmatic Agreements
  • Historic Building Assessments
  • Historic Building Restoration
  • EIS Documents
  • EA Documents
  • Historic Preservation Law Instruction
  • Environmental Consulting Services

Our company provides cultural resource management services from Green-Field to Record of Decision. Our proven federal contract record makes us a dependable, reliable, and trustworthy company. What differentiates GTI Environmental, LLC is our company's ability to complete draft reports well within a four week period from Notice to Proceed, and our projects are on time and on budget.


GTI Environmental, LLC (GTI) is an environmental consulting firm that specializes in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA), National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), Antiquities Code of Texas, other States’ Antiquities Laws, as well as, preparing Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Statement documents. GTI offers clients the full spectrum of environmental permitting and investigation services including archaeological and historic building investigations. GTI has experience providing expert consultant and expert witness services that can guide project sponsors through the regulatory process at both state and federal level permitting.


GTI Environmental, LLC Cultural Resource Division staff members are qualified professional archaeologists and historians that meet the qualifications outlined in the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines for Archaeology and Historic Preservation and GTI’s Principal Investigator is listed in the Register of Professional Archaeologists (RPA) and a former State Historic Preservation Office project reviewer. GTI’s staff is well versed in state and federal laws pertaining to the protection of Historic Properties, including the Antiquities Code of Texas and the Section 106 Process of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966, as amended. GTI’s Cultural Resources Division is capable of providing all phases of cultural resources investigations ranging from background reviews, archival research, feasibility studies, intensive surveys and National Register eligibility testing, to full scale mitigation efforts. 



In addition to having sound field practices and reporting skills, GTI’s archaeological staff also has an excellent working relationship with state and federal agencies including the Texas Historical Commission, US Army Corps of Engineers, US Fish & Wildlife Services, National Park Service, General Services Administration, Bureau of Land Management, Forest Service, International Boundary and Water Commission, Soil Conservation Services, and US Department of State. GTI’s Cultural Resources Division can quickly and effectively guide clients through complicated cultural resources issues associated with the environmental permitting process.
